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We help public sector agencies respect people's privacy and keep their good reputation intact.
We do this with guidance on the Act, a library of specific legislative authorities, a range of assessment tools, and the ability to build the documents you need such as privacy statements, information-sharing MOUs, and data licence agreements

We need to understand the Privacy Act, how other laws interact with it and, if relevant, what laws are relevant to our organisation
The Privacy Act – our State Highway 1 of privacy law
The Privacy Act is our State Highway 1 of privacy law. It’s important legislation that applies to public and private sector agencies alike. We all need to know about it. Get an overview here.
We need to understand more than the Privacy Act
Do you know how New Zealand law addresses the collection, use and sharing of personal information? It involves more than you might think. This article describes how it works, and explains the rules of precedence.
Specific statutory provisions – other roads
The Privacy Act may be State Highway 1, but it’s not the only road and often you’ll find all manner of inroads into it as well as detours and bypasses. We’ve built a laws library to summarise them: InfoProvisions Search.
Take a look at our InfoProvisions Search tool
It enables you to search and obtain summaries of specific statutory provisions concerning the collection, use and/or sharing of personal information, by agency or subject-matter. (To see a larger version of the video, click its expand button.)
Register to use InfoProvisions – SearchThe second step is correct assessment
Your assessment of compliance can be accelerated through the use of these tools, with more coming
Collection of personal information
You’d like to collect personal information from individuals or another agency and use it for a particular purpose. Find out whether you can, and get a summary assessment report.
Use of personal information already held
You hold some personal information and would like to know whether you can use it for a particular purpose. Find out whether you can, and get a summary assessment report.
Sharing of personal information
You’d like to share some personal information with another agency and need to know whether you can. Find out whether you can, and get a summary assessment report.
Respond to an IPP6 access request
Has your agency received an IPP6 access request? Need some help working through the Act and with your response? You can use our IPP6 access request bot to do that.
Respond to an IPP7 correction request
Has your agency received an IPP7 correction request? Need some help working through the Act and with your response? You can use our IPP7 correction request bot to do that.
Our assessment tools cover the collection, use and sharing of personal information, health information, telecommunications information, and information needed during an emergency.
In other words, in addition to accommodating the application of specific statutory provisions, they accommodate the information privacy principles, the Health Information Privacy Code, the Telecommunications Information Privacy Code and the Civil Defence Code. If you’d like to see some sample reports, enter your email address below.

The third step is ensuring you have the right documents
Most organisations need a privacy statement, some need other documents as well
Privacy statements
You need a privacy statement, either for your website or for your business activities more generally. You can build one here, download it in Word format, and edit and use it as required.
Information-sharing MOUs
You’re able to share personal information with another agency but you want to put an MOU in place with the agency to control the sharing and address each agency’s responsibilities. You can draft one here.
Data licence agreements
You’d like to obtain or share non-personal data but you need a data licence agreement to do so. You can build one here. In doing so, you can select from a range of different licences, with the click of a button.
See how quickly you can build your privacy statement
Our privacy statement builder enables you to build your privacy statement quickly and easily. We ask the right questions, and deliver a user-friendly privacy statement to you for download in docx format. Take a look.
Sign up to build your own statement
Work with us
StopLookGo Privacy (c/o Richard Best Law)
Level 8, 23 Waring Taylor Street
Wellington, NZ 6011
021 927 291 | Contact form